At birth the bones of the cranium are not fully formed. During the birth process they become compressed and the body can also experience shock. This normal process can sometimes leave some residual disturbances for both mother and baby. Even the easiest of births can leave some unresolved disturbance.
Using very gentle touch to release restrictions the therapist can help the baby to relax and calm the nervous system. Treatment can be done without removing clothes or nappies. By resolving imbalances before they become anchored Craniosacral Therapy may enhance healthy growth and future development. Your first appointment will last up to an hour and important information about your pregnancy and the birth itself will be discussed.
Older children
Older children can often have sleeping, digestive and behavioural issues, especially at transition times.
The very gentle touch of a Craniosacral practitioner may help to settle down a child's physical and emotional body so they can relax and function more freely.
Craniosacral Therapy helps to keep the body in balance during pregnancy and prepare for the birth by easing tensions and restrictions.
Mothers may also benefit from treatment following the birth to help clear any residual effects and restore energy. |